SCYTHE SCKTT-2000TUF Kotetsu Mark II TUF Gaming Alliance CPU Cooler SCKTT-2000TUF

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SCYTHE SCKTT-2000TUF Kotetsu Mark II TUF Gaming Alliance CPU Cooler SCKTT-2000TUF

Kotetsu Mark II TUF Herný aliancie

V spolupráci so spoločnosťou Asus predstavuje Scythe verzii TUF Gaming Alliance verzie CPU chladiča Kotetsu Mark II. Dizajnové prvky, ako napríklad vrchná doska zdobená logom TUF a známym vzorom, rovnako ako 120 mm RGB LED ventilátor so zodpovedajúcimi žltými gumenými antibrátory opticky prepájajú chladič so zvyšnými komponentmi TUF Gaming Alliance. Štyri poniklovanej teplomety dopĺňajú celkový obraz a prinášajú atraktívny a hodnotný vzhľad. Chladič má kompaktné rozmery a je navrhnutý pre maximálnu kompatibilitu. Výška púhych 154 mm zodpovedá takmer každej štandardnej skrini PC, zatiaľ čo asymetrický dizajn chladiča zaisťuje plnú kompatibilitu pamäte a grafickej karty. Optimalizovaný a užívateľsky prívetivý montážny systém umožňuje inštaláciu na všetkých súčasných zásuvkách CPU, vrátane Intel Socket 2066 a AMD AM4.

Kotetsu Mark II TUF Gaming Alliance

In cooperation with Asus, Scythe presents the TUF Gaming Alliance version of the Kotetsu Mark II CPU chladič. Design elements, such as a topplate decorated with the TUF logo and the well-known pattern, as well as a 120mm RGB LED Kaze Flex fan with matching yellow rubber decouplers optickým connect the cooler with the remaining TUF Gaming Alliance components. Four nickel-plated heatpipes complete the overall picture and Convey an appealing and valuable look. The heatsink features compact dimensions and is designed for maximum compatibility. A height of only 154 mm fits almost every štandard PC-Case while the asymmetrical design of the heatsink ensures full memory and graphics card compatibility. The optimized and user-friendly mounting system allows for installation on all current CPU-sockets including Intelsat Socket 2066 and AMDS AM4.

Model Name:
Kotetsu Mark II TUF Gaming Alliance CPU Cooler

Model Number .:

EAN: 4571225057071

socket LGA775
socket LGA1150
Sockel LGA1151
socket LGA1155
socket LGA1156
socket LGA1366
socket LGA2066
Socket LGA2011 / 2011-v3 (Square ILM)

socket AM2
Socket AM2 +
socket AM3
Socket AM3 +
socket AM4
socket FM1
socket FM2
Socket FM2 +

Please note that an original backplate with screw mounting is needed for installation on mainboards with AMD sockets. Please check before buying if the backplate is fixed by screws (example)! If the backplate uses plastic-pins, mounting of this cooler is not possible.

136 x 154 x 85 mm / 5.35 x 6.06 x 3.35 in (Including fan more dimensions)

645 g / 22.8 oz (Including fan)

Mounting parts for Intel and AMD sockets, RGB LED fan, fan clips, thermal grease, installation manual.

Baseplate Material:
Nickel-plated Copper 38 x 38 mm (more Info)

Fan Specifications

Model Name:
Kaze Flex 120 RGB PWM

Fan Size:
120 x 120 x 27 mm / 4.72 x 4.72 x 1.06 mm

Noise Level:
4.0 ~ 24.9 dBA

Air Flow:
16.6 ~ 51.17 CFM

Fan Speed:
300 rpm (± 200) ~ 1200 rpm (± 10%)

Voltage / Current:
DC 12V / 0,13

Static Pressure:
0.75 ~ 10.3 Pa / 0.076 ~ 1.5 mmH2O

Bearing Type:
Sealed Precision FDB

HPMS III (Hyper Precision Mounting System III)
The secure and user-friendly Hyper Precision Mounting system centers around a preassembled mounting bar, which features spring-loaded screws to guarantee perfect contact pressure. In combination with an updated backplate and rubber / plastic Spacers the system offers a convenient installation process and compatibility to all current sockets including AMD®s AM4 and Intel®s LGA 2066 platforms.

Kaze Flex 120 PWM Fan
The Kotetsu Mark II is equipped with a PWM fan from the award-Wining Kaze Flex series, operating in a range from 300 to 1200 RPM. The self-contained liquid bearing (Sealed Precision FDB) reduces friction and wear to a minimum, Výsledný in an average lifespan of 120 000 hours. Rubber pads mounted in the fan frame have a decoupling effect and prevent the transfer of Vibrations.

Asymmetrical and low height dizajn
Aiming for maximum compatibility the heatsink is not centered above the baseplate, but slightly offset to the side and back. This assymetrical dizajn allows for Unrestricted use of all memory slots. It also points the heatsink away from the graphics card, leaving enough space for even the bulkiest GPU coolers. With a compact height of only 154 mm the Kotetsu Mark II easily fits all štandard PC Cases.


Hmotnosť1,008 kg

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