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- Voyager 1350g - KIT, 2D, RS232, stand, white 1350G2D-1RS232-1-R
Voyager 1350g - KIT, 2D, RS232, stand, white 1350G2D-1RS232-1-R
Voyager 1350g je určený na komerčné účely v prostredí vyžadujúcom vysokú rýchlosť 1D/2D skenovania. Skener je schopný čítať čiarové kódy rýchlo a nepretržite, aj keď sú čiastočne zakryté alebo zle vytlačené.FEATURES AND BENEFITS
* Flexibility and Versatility
* Industry-Leading Performance
* Intelligent Software Tools
* A Full Range of Accessories
Dimensions (L x W x H): 72.5mm×125mm×154mm (2.85 in 4.92 in 6.06 in)
Scanner Weight: 130 g (4.58 oz)
Input Voltage: 5 ± 0.5VDC
Operating Power: 2 W (400 mA @ 5V DC)
Standby Power: 0.55 W (110 mA @ 5V DC)
Hosť System Interfaces: USB, RS-232
Operating Temperature: 0°C až 50°C (32°F až 122°F)
Storage Temperature: -40°C až 60°C (-40°F až 140°F)
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) (Scanners and Cradles): ±8 kV indirect coupling plane, ±15 kV direct air
Humidity: 0% až 95% relatívnej humidity, non-condensing
Tumble Spec: 250 0.5 m (1.6 ft) tumbles (impacts)
Drop: Engineered to withstand 1.2m 2times drop to concrete
Environmental Sealing: IP40
Light Levels: 0 až 100,000 lux (9,290 foot-candles)
Scan Pattern: Area Image (1280 x 800 pixel array)
Motion Tolerancia: až 75 cm/s pre 13 míľ UPC at optimal focus
Scan Angle:
* Horizontal: 48 ° nominal;
* Vertical: 30 ° nominal
Roll, Pitch, Skew: ±180°, ±60°, ±65°
Print contrast: 25%
Decode Capabilities: Reads štandard 1D, PDF, 2D, a DotCode symbologies
Poznámka: Decode capabilities dependent on configuration.
Warranty: 3-year factory warranty